To Find Legitimate Micro Jobs

1. TaskRabbit

The majority of this popular task site’s gigs are in-person activities such as making deliveries, cleaning, and odd jobs. TaskRabbit has a much more extensive application process than other micro jobs (which usually have very little), but the jobs pay more.

2. TryMYUI

TryMYUI testers check out websites using a screen recorder and provide feedback on their experiences. Each test, which lasts about 20 minutes, pays a flat rate of $10. Jobs are made available to testers based on their demographics, and they can expect to get a few assignments per week.

3. User Testing

Similar to TryMYUI, testers for User Testing are paid $10 to spend 10 to 20 minutes navigating a website and give feedback using a screen and voice recorder. Job availability is based on the demographics of the tester.